Copyright Transfer Agreement



Title of the manuscript:

The authors hereby transfer copyrights in and to the manuscript named above in all forms and media, now or hereafter known, to Lingin Journal of Linguistics effective if and when the paper is accepted for publication.

Everyone who is listed as an author in this manuscript should have made a substantial, direct, intellectual contribution to the work and should take public responsibility for it.

This manuscript contains works that have not previously published or not under consideration for publication by another journals.



Corresponding author: _______________________   _______________   _______________

Name                           Signature                              Date


Authors: ____________________________   __________________   __________________ 

Name                           Signature                              Date


____________________________   __________________   __________________ 

Name                           Signature                              Date


____________________________   __________________   __________________ 

Name                           Signature                              Date


____________________________   __________________   __________________ 

Name                           Signature                              Date


____________________________   __________________   __________________ 

Name                           Signature                               Date

* This form must be signed by all authors in order as appeared in the manuscript.